Thursday, June 21, 2018


1.    Types of Modals
Modal Present
Modal Past
Could / Be capable of / be able to / manage to
Would / he doing to /  be about to / be going to
Sould / ought to
Might / perhaps / protable / possible / presumable bad better / be supposed to
Has or have to / Had to

2.  Function of modals
1.     Can
a.     Ability (menyatakan kemampuan)
b.     Possibility (menyatakan kemungkinan)
c.      Permission (menyatakan izin)
d.     Courtesy request (menyatakan permohonan sopan)
2.     Will
a.     Plan (menyatakan rencana)
b.     Willingness (menyatakan kemauan)
c.      Prediction(menyatakan perkiraan)
3.     Shall
a.     Plan (menyatakan rencana)
b.     Suggestion (menyatakan saran)
4.     May
a.     Imposibility (menyatkan ketidak mungkinan 100%)
b.     Permission (menyatakan izin)
5.     Must
a.     Obligation (menyatakan keharusan)
3.    Example
1.     Can
a.     Ability
Type 1
1)    You can buy anything with your money but you can not buy love.
2)    we can eat 10 burgers within 10 minutes
Type 2
1)    I could pass the exam easily last year
2)    They are able to make movie is very creepy
b.    Possibility
Type 1
1)    I can visit your new home if I have finished my work
2)    We can go if you are in Jakarta
Type 2
1)    I be able to help you if you want
2)    We could go to the cinema if you want
c.      Permission
Type 1
1)    You can watch TV after doing your homework
2)    We can dinner together after you work
Type 2
1)    You be able to borrow my novel tomorrow morning
2)    We could singing together in Merry’s party
d.    Courtesy request
Type 1
1)    Can I drive your car?
2)    Can We can dinner together after you work ?
Type 2
1)    Could you please tell me where Sara’s home?
2)    Could you please singing for my birthday?
2.     Will
a.     Plan
Type 1
1)    I will mudik to Brebes with my husband
2)    I will come to your graduation and give you 100 sunflowers
Type 2
1)    I would swimming in Gucci
2)    I’m going to beach next weekend with my friends
b.    Willingness
Type 1
1)    I will make you smile every single day
2)    I will catch you if you fall <3
Type 2
1)    I would give a fish for your cat
2)    I would cooking for you
c.      Prediction
Type 1
1)    The cat will be die if you don’t give it some food
2)    I think she will not come to your graduation because she sick
Type 2
1)    I would buy 100 sunflowers for you I have enough money
2)    I’m going to beach next weekend with my friends if I don’t late
3.     Shall
a.     Plan
Type 1
1)    We shall return the book this week end
2)    I shall not text you tonight
Type 2
1)    Sould we going to Singapore, we can see the beautiful park
2)    We sould do the test well for this year
b.    Suggestion
Type 1
1)    I shall go tomorrow
2)    I shall go to bandung with my new car
Type 2
1)    Drivers sould obey the speed limit
2)    You souldn’t leave your key in car
4.     May
a.     Imposibility
Type 1
1)    I may never trust you again because you are is lier
2)    Rifan does not come to the class, he may get up late
Type 2
1)    I might don’t come to your party because my brother sick
2)    Sinta might never let you fall if you didn’t make her cry
b.    Permission
Type 1
1)    May I go to toilet?
2)    May I ask you a question?
Type 2
1)    You might meet your mom
2)    You might watch TV after doing your homework
5.     Must
a.     Obligation
Type 1
1)    You must pay all of these
2)    You must not be late
Type 2
1)    We had to keep the secret
2)    We have to get it back to Mr Keban

Friday, June 1, 2018

akuntansi internasional 10

akuntansi internasional 7

akuntansi internasional 8

akuntansi internasional 6

akuntansi internasional 5

akuntansi internasional 4

akuntansi internasional 3

akuntansi internasional 1

akuntansi internasional 2