
Monday, March 19, 2018

Passive Voice

Simple past
1. Larry Page and Sergey Brin founded Google in 1998. (Larry Page dan Sergey Brin mendirikan Google pada tahun 1998.)

2. Joe jumped into this hole
1. Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 1998. (Google didirikan oleh Larry Page and Sergey Brin pada tahun 1998.)

2.This hole was jumped by Joe
Simple Present
Active :
1.Helen doesn't drink anything in parties.
2.My teacher punish me because I forget to collect my homework
1.Nothing is drunk by Helen in parties.
2.I am punished by my teacher because I forget to collect my homework
Present Progressive
Active: Poor people are not attending this big party.
Passive: This big party is not being attended by poor people.
Past Progressive
Active: My friend was baking bread when I came.
Passive : Bread was being baked when I came
Present Perfect
1. He has prepared great slides for the presentation.
2. My father has just given some money to me.
1.Great slides has been prepared for the presentation.
2.Some money has just been given to me.
Past Perfect
1. Sally had read two hundred books before graduating from the college.
2. He had helped you so many times.
1. Two hundred books had been read by Sally before graduating from the college
2. You had been helped so many times.

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